Sirirat Building, Tanon Thalang, Phuket

อาคารสิริรัตน์ ความงามแห่งลายปูนปั้น

For years I had walked passed, shopped at or parked in front of this building but never had I crossed the road and looked up at the stucco decorations on the first floor of this old Phuket shophouse. Well that was until July 2012 when I did just that. However it wasn't until I uploaded the photo to my laptop that I saw just how beautiful the building really is.

I wonder how many people will have noticed the small stucco detail at the top right corner of the building?

So next time you walk along Tanon Thalang don't forget to stop and look up, it really is another world up there!

History of Sirirat Building.
Going back to the early 20th Century during the reign of King Rama 6th, this building was a photography shop called Nikko owned by a Japanese photographer. Some time later Khun Sawang a local photographer took over the business, since then it has been known as Supap Shop, Tip Sa-ad beauty shop and currently the Sirirat Fabric Shop.