Or's Vegetarian Restaurant

Or's Vegetarian Restaurant Phuket near Chinese Temple

Or's Vegetarian Restaurant is located just opposite the entrance of Jui Dtui Chinese Temple in Phuket Town. Unlike a lot of Vegetarian Restaurants that only operate during the Vegetarian Festival, Or's Restaurant is open all year round. You can eat in, choosing a couple of curries or vegetables over rice which makes an all in one meal for a very cheap price or order to take away. The shop sells noodles, curries, fried vegetables, fried tofu, sweets and drinks.

Curry Shops of phuket

Or's Vegetarian Restaurant is a great base for watching the Vegetarian Festival as most processions either start or end at Jui Dtui Temple.


  1. Is this a lunch spot or dinner or both? All the cheap, wonderful veg places around Rawai/Chalong are only daytime....

  2. Or's Restaurant is open from early morning(sometime after sunrise - will check sometime!)and closes late afternoon. I will check on the times next time I'm there!

    The hours are longer during the Vegetarian festival.
